Doorstep Ads

Connecting Local Business with New Customers

Reach 10,000 households with only 650 dollars!

(562) 774-8600

We Will Distribute 9" x 12" Postcards to 10,000 Homes in Cities All Over ​Orange County, CA.

How Does It Work?

We bring together different businesses onto a single 9" X 12" postcard, showing their products, ​services, and special offers. By sharing the printing and delivery costs among multiple ​businesses, we make high-impact marketing accessible and affordable for everyone involved. ​The postcard features only one kind of business per issue.


It is Distributed by the Postal ​Service

roll offset print machine in a large print shop for production of newspapers & magazines

High Quality On Materials and ​Printing

Texas Suburb.

Maximum Reach for the Lowest ​Price

Extra Benefits

Cost-Effective Advertising: For only $650, your advertisement will reach 10,000 households. In ​contrast, reaching the same number of homes individually could cost you around $4,500.

Enhanced Retention: Individual advertisements often get discarded if not immediately needed. ​However, a postcard featuring multiple businesses has a higher chance of being kept by ​recipients, increasing the likelihood of your ad being seen and used in the future.


$ 650

Approx. Size 4"X3"

$ 1,250

Approx. Size 4"X6"

$ 1,250

Approx. Size 8"X3"

$ 2,300

Approx. Size 8"X6"

$ 2,300

Approx. Size 4"X12"

$ 4,200

Approx. Size 9"X12"

I will take care of everything: printing, sorting, and distribution. If you don't have ​an art design available, I will use one of the beautiful templates from Canva.

Call Today!

(562) 774-8600

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