Doorstep Ads
Connecting Local Business with New Customers
Reach 10,000 households with only 650 dollars!
(562) 774-8600
We Will Distribute 9" x 12" Postcards to 10,000 Homes in Cities All Over Orange County, CA.
How Does It Work?
We bring together different businesses onto a single 9" X 12" postcard, showing their products, services, and special offers. By sharing the printing and delivery costs among multiple businesses, we make high-impact marketing accessible and affordable for everyone involved. The postcard features only one kind of business per issue.
It is Distributed by the Postal Service
High Quality On Materials and Printing
Maximum Reach for the Lowest Price
Extra Benefits
Cost-Effective Advertising: For only $650, your advertisement will reach 10,000 households. In contrast, reaching the same number of homes individually could cost you around $4,500.
Enhanced Retention: Individual advertisements often get discarded if not immediately needed. However, a postcard featuring multiple businesses has a higher chance of being kept by recipients, increasing the likelihood of your ad being seen and used in the future.
$ 650
Approx. Size 4"X3"
$ 1,250
Approx. Size 4"X6"
$ 1,250
Approx. Size 8"X3"
$ 2,300
Approx. Size 8"X6"
$ 2,300
Approx. Size 4"X12"
$ 4,200
Approx. Size 9"X12"
I will take care of everything: printing, sorting, and distribution. If you don't have an art design available, I will use one of the beautiful templates from Canva.
Call Today!
(562) 774-8600
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